Game Update: 7.0.0
Revision as of 23:01, 7 September 2024 by Talisa (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center>File:PatchNotesHistory.png</center> The '''<u>Apotheosis Server</u>''' was taken offline in order to deploy '''<u>Game Update: 7.0.0</u>''' on '''<u>Thursday</u>'...")

The Apotheosis Server was taken offline in order to deploy Game Update: 7.0.0 on Thursday, June 08, 2023 at 1:05 AM Central Time.
There is no planned extended downtime for this update, so downtime should be very minimal.
This is a Complete Patch, make sure that you patch with the launcher, which is now available. If you attempt to play after the update, without updating the client, you may or may not crash when attempting new content. Do yourself a favor, always update.
The Official Patch Notes are listed below!
- Added 25 Strikethrough Chance and -100 Movement to Take Cover.
- Added Dodge and Parry Reduction to Roadmap.
- Added Dodge Reduction to Small Arms Expertise.
- Added Parry Reduction to Rifle Marksmanship Expertise.
- Increased Duration of Take Cover to 120 Seconds.
- Reduced Bounty Check Cooldown to 30 Minutes.
- Sniper Shot Now Works With Carbines.
- Added AT-ST Pilot's Helmet to Chronicle Vendor.
- Reduced Several Prices.
- Added Cold and Heat Elemental Penetration to Burst Fire Expertise.
- Added Dodge and Parry Reduction to Roadmap and Burst Fire Expertise.
- Added Passive DoT Application to Roadmap.
- Added 8% Aralina's Revenge to the Server.
- Added Dodge Chance to Parry to Premonition Expertise 2/4/8.
- Added Dodge and Parry Reduction to Remorseless Nature Expertise 1/2/3/4.
- Added Free Expertise Reset.
- Added 2/4 Melee and Ranged Glance to Alacrity Expertise.
- Changed Exacting Strikes Expertise from 2/4/6/8 to 4/8.
- Changed Jedi Healing in Soothing Aura Expertise from 25/50/75/100 to 75/100.
- Changed Improved Crippling Accuracy Expertise from 2/4/6 to 6.
- Changed Improved Force Drain Expertise from 33/66/100 to 50/100.
- Enhanced Strength, Consitution, Agility, and Luck Expertise are now 50/100.
- Increased Cloud Minds Size in Expansive Trickery Expertise from 4 to 8.
- Increased Convert Damage in Anticipate Aggression from 4/8 to 8/16.
- Increased Base Damage for Gen5 Lightsabers by 10 Points.
- Increased Damage for Gen 1-3;5 Lightsaber Schematics.
- Increased Mind Trick Duration (5/10), Action Damage (1500/3000) in Lethargy Expertise.
- Increased Saber Reflect Damage (75/125) and Force Alacrity (75/100) in Improved Saber Reflect Expertise.
- Increased Second Attack in Force Clarity Expertise from 5 to 5/10.
- Increased Shockwave Damage in Improved Force Shockwave Expertise to 20/40/60.
- Increased Strength of Base Self-Heals.
- Increased Strike Damage and Force Throw Root Chance in Saber Shackle Expertise to 4/8.
- Moved Fidelity Expertise to Tier 4, Box 4.
- Moved Force Cloak from Expertise to Roadmap.
- Moved Force Shockwave Expertise Line to Tier 4, Box 5 and 6.
- Moved Improved Force Cloak Expertise to Tier 3, Box 4.
- Moved Tempt Hatred to Expertise Tier 2.
- Reduced Alacrity Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Lethargy Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Perceptive Sentinel Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Ruthless Precision Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Saber Shackle Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Wrackling Energy Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Removed Evasion Chance and Value from Premonition Expertise.
- Added Heal Stat Mod to Profession Ring.
- Added 10% Passive Doom Application to Roadmap.
- Doom Now Applies 4 Debuffs.
- Pistol Drillmaster Now Works With All Weapons.
- Updated Orbital Strike Animations.
- Added +150 Precision and Luck to Off The Books.
- Added Damage Decreases Chance (50/100) in Meager Fortune Expertise.
- Added Dodge Reduction to Hammer Fanning Expertise.
- Added Free Expertise Reset.
- Added One-Two Pummel Chance (8/16) and Parry Reduction (5/10) to Head Crack Expertise.
- Added Pistol Action Cost Reduction (5/10) to Precise Bead Expertise.
- Increased Critical Chance Decrease (50/100) in Meager Fortune Expertise.
- Increased Double Deal Chance (15/30) in Double Deal Expertise.
- Increased Duration of Modify Pistol Ability to 60 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of Off The Books to 60 Minutes.
- Increased False Hope Duration and Delay Reduction (2/4) in Fake Goods Expertise.
- Increased Level Add To Damage (250/500) in Blaster At Your Side Expertise.
- Increased Melee Weapon Action Cost Reduction (15/30) in Elbow Grease Expertise and from 1 to 2 Point Box.
- Increased Off The Books Expertise Line with Luck & Precision (75/100), Damage Reduction (5/10), and Smuggler Cut (5/25).
- Increased Overridable Protection (1850/3750) in Hidden Pockets Expertise.
- Increased Overridable Protection (1850/3750) in Lined Pockets Expertise.
- Increased Pistol Range Bonus (10/15) in Precise Bead Expertise.
- Increased Pistol Whip Duration Increase (2/3) in Beat Down Expertise.
- Increased Range of Off The Books to 64 Meters.
- Increased Smuggler Healing (30/45/60) in Quick Fix Expertise.
- Moved Bad Odds Expertise to Tier 5, Box 7
- Moved Break The Deal Expertise to Tier 4, Box 4.
- Moved Double Deal Expertise to Tier 2, Box 6.
- Moved Elbow Grease Expertise to Tier 2, Box 7.
- Moved Enhanced Agility Expertise to Tier 1, Box 1.
- Moved Enhanced Luck Expertise to Tier 1, Box 2.
- Moved Enhanced Constitution Expertise to Tier 1, Box 4.
- Moved Enhanced Precision Expertise to Tier 1, Box 6.
- Moved Enhanced Strength Expertise to Tier 1, Box 7.
- Moved Entire Spot-A-Sucker Expertise Line to Box 1, Tiers 2-4
- Moved Fake Goods Expertise to Tier 5, Box 7.
- Moved False Hope Expertise to Tier 4, Box 7.
- Moved Hair Trigger Expertise from Scoundrel to Smuggler; Tier 2, Box 5.
- Moved Hammer Fanning Expertise to Tier 3, Box 4.
- Moved Hidden Pockets Expertise to Tier 2, Box 2.
- Moved Healthy Profits Expertise to Tier 1, Box 5.
- Moved Inside Information to Tier 1, Box 7.
- Moved Off The Cuff Expertise to Tier 3, Box 6.
- Moved Pistol Whip Expertise Line to Tier 2, Boxes 1-3.
- Moved Precise Bead Expertise to Tier 2, Box 4.
- Moved Quick Fix Expertise to Tier 1, Box 4.
- Moved Scandal Expertise to Tier 3, Box 5.
- Moved Shoot First Expertise to Tier 2, Box 7.
- Moved Smooth Move Expertise to Tier 4, Box 4.
- Moved Switcheroo Expertise to Tier 3, Box 7.
- Modify Pistol Ability Now Usable with All Weapons.
- Reduced Card Up Your Sleeve Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Feeling Lucky Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Hammer Fanning Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Hair Trigger Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Lucky Break from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Scandal Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Smooth Move Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Reduced Switcheroo Expertise from 4 to 2 Point Box.
- Removed Easy Money from Expertise.
- Removed Ploy from Expertise.
- Removed Skullduggery and Impossible Odds from Expertise.
- Removed Spice Schematics From Game Due to Bugs.
- Added Resonance and Savagery to Roadmap.
- Reduced Burst Shadows Cooldown to 120 Seconds.
- All Weapon Cores Are Now Optional.
- Added Container Volume to Droidsmith and Weaponsmith Toolset Bandoliers.
- Added Exceptional Weapon Scroll and Stock Schematics to the Server.
- Refactored Shipwright Budd for TCG Hanger.
- Shipwright Schematics Can Now Be Factory Run.
- Fixed Broken String with TCG: Sanyassan Skull (#302).
- Fixed Bug with Ana Fox's Object Appearance.
- Fixed Bug with Exceptional Scope Schematics.
- Fixed Bug with Giant Dune Kimogila Combat Level.
- Fixed Bug with Jedi Expertise Causing Client Crash.
- Fixed Bug with Krayt World Boss Loot Table.
- Fixed Bug with Corellia Times and Meatlump Vendors.
- Fixed Bug with Recover Stolen Shipment Space Quest.
- Fixed Bug with Restuss Commendation Vendor.
- Fixed Bug with Shipwright Build-A-Buff.
- Fixed Bug with T-21 and Nightsister Energy Lance Legendary Weapons.
- Removed Bugged Painting from Veteran Reward Vendor.
- Removed Legendary Stun Baton Due to Bugs.
- Reduced Cooldown for Mutant Acklay from 10 to 5 Minutes.
- Added Endor Rebel Helmet to Rebel Battlefield Vendor.
- Added Imperial Storm Commando Armor to Battlefield Vendor.
- Added Game Update 7 Gift.
- Increased Cost of Rare Loot Chests on Veteran Rewards Vendor.
- Updated Token Payouts for Jedi Starfighter Quest-Chain.
- Reduced Several Prices.
- Removed Darth Vader's Castle from Mustafar.
- Added +25% XP Buff to Legacy Shmi Buff with 2 Hour Duration.
- Added Banner for House Baratheon to the Server.
- Added Health and Action Stat Modifiers to Various Pre-NGE Armor Segments (Not Yet Obtainable).
- Added Mutated DNA's to Giant Dune Kimogila, Undead Rancor Boss,
- Added Rare Loot Chests to Veteran Rewards Vendor.
- Increased Random Stack Sizes for Heavy Duty Clasps and Leathers.
- Increased Random Stack Size for R.I.S. Components.
- Medical Buffs No Longer Disappear After Character Respec.
- Reduced Minimum Group Requirements for Hoth from 4 to 2.
- Reduced Token Cost of CR2 Heavy Weapon.
- Removed AT-ST Pilot Helmet and Endor Rebel Helmet from Rare Loot System.
- Removed Faction Block from Exar Kun's Temple.
- Removed NO-TRADE from Creature Harvester Deed.
- Removed NO-TRADE and NO-TRADE SHARED from Duty Tokens and Midlith Crystals.
- The Restuss Sniper Rifle is now Deconstructable.
- Updated Appearance for All Game of Thrones Banners.
- Reduced Token Cost of Hanger to 2,000 Tokens.
- Added Quest for The Emperor's Hand.
- The Emperor's Hand is Now a World Boss.
- The Emperor's Hand Will No Longer Wander.
- Updated Combat Levels for Pax Vizla's ADD's.
- Updated Token, Scroll, and Credit Payouts for All Quests.
We Wish You Good Fortune In The Wars To Come!