HotFix: 6.2.1
Revision as of 22:19, 7 September 2024 by Talisa (talk | contribs) (Protected "HotFix: 6.2.1" ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)) [cascading])

The Apotheosis Server was taken offline in order to deploy HotFix: 6.2.1 on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 1:30 PM Central Time.
There is no planned extended downtime for this update, so downtime should be very minimal.
This is a Complete Patch, make sure that you patch with the launcher, which is now available. If you attempt to play after the update, without updating the client, you may or may not crash when attempting new content. Do yourself a favor, always update.
The Official Patch Notes are listed below!
- Partially Fixed Bug with Crafters Having Less Experimentation Posts than they should.
- Reduced Cost of All Exceptional Weapon Component Schematics to 175 Mustafar Tokens.
- Reduced Cost of Mustafar Relic Rings.
- Reduced Cost of Old Republic PSG Schematic to 250 Mustafar Tokens.
- Reduced Cost of Sprint Enhancement Stim to 500 Mustafar Tokens.
- Reduced Cost of VIP Bunker Deed to 250 Mustafar Tokens.
- Reduced Cost on Entertainer Token Vendor by 50%.
- Reduced Cost of Jinsu Lightsaber Schematic.
We Wish You Good Fortune In The Wars To Come!