Game Update: 2.0.0
Revision as of 17:26, 7 September 2024 by Talisa (talk | contribs) (Protected "Game Update: 2.0.0" ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)) [cascading])

The Apotheosis Server was taken offline in order to deploy Game Update: 2.0.0 on Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:00 AM Central Time.
This update also concludes the celebrations of Life Day 2021, we hope that everyone enjoyed the in-game celebrations. Love Day Celebrations is scheduled to begin on February 15 and will run to March 14.
The Expected Downtime will be 1-2 Hours in order for Proper Backups to be completed. We appreciate your patience.
This is a Complete Patch, the Client will crash without the client patch, make sure you patch with the launcher.
- Added Harvester Hopper to Build-A-Buff with 1 Point Each, up to 20 Points.
- Increased Sampling and Harvester Collection Build-A-Buff to 1 Point Each, up to 20 Points.
- Jedi May Now Manufacture Lightsaber Crafting Tools in Factory Crates of 1,000.
- Added Free Expertise Reset.
- All Weapon Components Can Now Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000.
- Chef's May Now Manufactural All Drinks and Food in Factory Crates of 1,000.
- Chef's May Now Manufacture Pet Food in Factory Crates of 1,000.
- City Invasion Tool Schematics Can Now Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000.
- Completely Overhauled Page 2 of Expertise.
- Domestics Components May Now Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000.
- Fixed Bug with Point Allotment in Expertise.
- Increased Base Extraction Rate and Hopper Storage for all Harvesters and Factories.
- Increased Cap on Total Charges for the Droid Interface Scanner.
- Reduced Resource Quantities and Can Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000 for all Beast Master Components and Consumables.
- Reduced Resource Quantities and Can Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000 for all Crafted Camps, Camp Modules, Wall Modules, and All City Structure Crafting. Wall Modules * Now Only Require 1 Structure Module!
- Reduced Resource Quantities and Can Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000 for all RE Enhancement Modules and War Intel Pads.
- Reduced Resource Quantities and Can Be Manufactured in Factory Crates of 1,000 for all Structure Crafting.
- Fixed Bug Causing Full Inventory Error when Withdrawing Tokens.
- Fixed Bug Causing Rebel Life Day Vendor Charging Incorrect Currency (Bug Report: #46).
- Fixed Bug Where Player's Couldn't Withdraw Any Tokens from Token Box.
- Fixed Bug With Free Heroic Biolink Set Not Issuing Smuggler Gambler Jewelry Set.
- Fixed Bug With Kash Nunes Not Detecting Duty Tokens in Inventory.
- Fixed Bug With Rori Rebel Cantina Not Functioning As A Cantina for Entertainer's (Bug Report: #45)
- Fixed Bug With Spending Space Duty Tokens.
- Fixed Severe Exploit with Chronicle Vendor.
- Added 3 New Buff Books. These books can be purchased and used by Entertainer to provide group buffs to their groups. The initial 3 buffs include: Bonus GCW, Bonus XP, and Bonus Pet XP.
- Added 4 New Weapons inspired by Witches of Dathomir.
- Added 181st TIE Pilot Flight Suit (Black and Gray Versions).
- Added CorSec Life Support Flight Suit.
- Added E-11 Mark II Rifle to GCW to GCW Invasion Vendor.
- Added Entertainer's Performer's 5-Piece Jewelry Set. This set is focused on buffing and grants a new ability "Lasting Performance" when wearing the full set.
- Added Entertainer System. This includes an Entertainer Vendor named Lady Gysyndra, she can be found in the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
- Added Imperial Navy Trooper Helmet and Rebel Spec Ops Helmet to the GCW Invasion Vendors.
- Added Imperial Variant of the C-M Dead Bolt Pistol.
- Added New Armor Sets: Storm Commando and Rebel Pathfinder.
- Added New Familiar: Bearded Jax.
- Added Prototype E-Web Rifle to Echo Base Imperial Vendor for 54 Tokens.
- Added Senate Guard Hologram.
- Changed Legendary Reaper Cannon to Acid. Now has new particle and Recrafted Version is Comparable to the CR-1.
- Fixed Issue with Backpacks Not Displaying Properly on Ithorians.
- Fixed Issue with Pfilbee Jhorn in Bestine. No longer wears two outfits and his hair has returned.
- Fixed Issue With Undead Boss Slayer Collection Not Giving Completion Credit.
- Mustafar Instances Now Drop TCG: HK-47 Jetpack Pieces.
- Pilot Ace Helmet Schematics Can No Longer Be Manufactured in Factories.
- Removed Faction Requirements From E-Web and A-280 Rifles.
- Removed Faction Requirements From Rebel Trooper Helmet, Imperial Gunner Helmet, and Crafter Imperial Command Hat.
- Removed No-Trade/No-Trade Shared from Dozens of Items.
- The Black Corset Dress can now be purchased from the Entertainer Vendor, and has been renamed Corset Dress, as it can now be colored.
- Added Some Jewelry Pieces from Treasure Map System to Exceptional RLS.
- Temporarily Decreased Combat Level for Hand of the Emperor from 100 to 95.
- Added 150 Luck to the TCG: Embroidered Sash.
- Added GCW Invasion Tool Contraband Resources to the Rare Loot System.
- Added GCW Invasion Tool Resources to the GCW Invasion Vendors.
- Added Medic Buff Duration Increase of 2 Hours to Medical Center Buildings (NPC and Player).
- Added Method for Exchanging Copper, Silver and Gold Chronicle Tokens to Chronicle Vendor.
- Added New Junk Loot Spawns (You have to find them).
- Added Overhaul to Treasure Map System. You can now trade your new Treasure Tokens to Jana Antem. She is an old friend of the Amidala Family, and she can be found at the Lake Retreat on Naboo.
- Increased Drop Rate for R.I.S. Armor Components from the Dune Kimogila, Peko-Peko Albatross, and Woolamanders.
- Added Portable Bazaar and Starship Terminal Schematics to Rare Loot System.
- Added Withdraw Mechanism to the Heroic Token Box of Achievements.
- All Token Currencies (Including Commendations) May Be Withdrawn from Token Box.
- Crafting Tools for City Invasions Will No Longer Expire.
- Increased Payout for Destroy Terminal Missions from 8,000 - 10,500 to 150,000 - 300,000. Note: This is not a Bonus, this is a Permanent Increase.
- Reduced Battle Fatigue for Combat Professions in City Invasions from 5 to 2.
- Removed All Items from No Trade Removal (System Is EoL).
- Removed Some Buffs From Being Removed from PvE Death.
- Replaced Automated Creature Harvester Deed with Schematic on Veteran Rewards Vendor.
- Simple Kit Items: Pulverizors, Cheap Copper Batteries, Feed Tubes, Small Motors, and More Will Now Auto Stack.
- Treasure Maps Will Now Autostack.
We Wish You Good Fortune In The Wars To Come!