Patch: 0.5.0
Revision as of 16:23, 7 September 2024 by Talisa (talk | contribs) (Protected "Patch: 0.5.0" ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)) [cascading])

The Insurgency Server was brought online with Patch: 0.5.0 on December 07, 2021 at 10:30 PM Central Time.
- Increased Duration of BM Creature Knowledge from 60 Seconds to 15 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of Commando's First Aide Training from 8 Seconds to 5 Minutes.
- Added Decay Timer to Officer Stims.
- Increased Duration of Officer's Superior Fire Power from 30 to 60 Seconds.
- Increased Duration of Tactical Stims for Officer from 15 to 60 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of Smuggler's Junk Dealer Buff from 10 to 30 Minutes.
- Added Exceptional Weapon Components to the Server.
- Fixed Bug with Player Hairs.
- Fixed Several Broken Strings.
- Decreased Kliknik DNA from 25% to 10% and TCG: Barn from 15% to 5% Drop Rates from the Mutant Acklay Boss.
- Increased Emperor's Hand from Level 95 Boss to 100 Boss.
- Added Better Skies
- Added Illuminated Protocol Droid Eyes.
- Added Jinsu Razor Lightsaber Schematic to Both Restuss Commendation Vendors for 1,000 Commendations.
- Added New Bank Terminals.
- Added New Door Sounds.
- Added New Water Shaders.
- Added Planet System Messages to the Emperor's Hand on Rori and Naboo.
- Added Real Windows on Naboo Houses.
- Added Resource Industrial Replicator to Veteran Rewards Vendor.
- Added Second Emperor's Hand to the Emperor's Retreat.
- Added Sway and Movement to Tree's and Flora.
- Increased Drop Rate of Treasure Maps and Lyso Enzymes Through Foraging.
- Increased Duration of All GCW Banner Buffs from 10 to 30 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of All Powerups from 30 to 60 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of All Spices to 60 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of All Treasure Map Buffs from 120 Seconds to 30 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of Drained Lava Crystal Buff from 120 Seconds to 15 Minutes.
- Increased Duration of Food/Drink from 20 Minutes to 45 Minutes Each.
- Increased Veteran Reward Initial Token Amount from 100 to 500 Per Account.
- Reduced Cloner Sickness Duration from 10 to 5 Minutes.
- Reduced Spicer Downer Debuff Duration from 30 to 15 Seconds.
- Replaced Textures for BARC, Command BARC, and Light Bending BARC.
- Replaced Textures on Seeker Droids.
- Replaced Textures on Various Tatooine Buildings: Starports, Walls, Shuttleports, Id Tents, Banks, and Small Houses.
We Wish You Good Fortune In The Wars To Come!