Account Guidelines

Last Update: December 22, 2024
Last Update: November 11, 2023
As the population of online internet gaming increases, so, do the issues regarding stolen or compromised accounts that have been transferred from one player to another, in violation of the End User Agreement. These issues, and the time it takes to investigate and attempt to resolve them, hugely detract from the time that SWG Utopia Community Service Staff have to provide quality, customer service. Accordingly, SWG Utopia must remind all players, that:
- Account security, whether it be password protection, running virus checks, disabling file sharing, or any other element of making sure accounts are not stolen or compromised, is the sole responsibility of the account owner.
- Any and all stolen and/or compromised accounts that are reported to SWG Utopia, WILL BE SUSPENDED, in addition to any account connected with the compromised account, in order to conduct an official and thorough investigation. If characters on the account are deleted maliciously, they will be restored. Experience points that are lost, due to the nature of a restoration, will remain, lost.
- Any player found to be involved in account theft, will have any and all of his/her account(s), terminated. Prior to taking any action against accounts that are reported as compromised, we will conduct a thorough review of the accounts in order to determine the best possible, and appropriate, course of action. Accounts will only face disciplinary action, based on information that has been gathered during the course of the investigation, and not as a result of external allegations.
Multiple Accounts are NOT PERMITTED. you may only have one (1) account, per person, per household. Additional accounts that are created, without authorization, will be terminated, with the original account, receiving an infraction for having an unauthorized, multiple account. Exceptions to this policy can be made, should you have a multi-person household, wishing to play on the servers of SWG Utopia.
Multiple Account Authorizations, can and WILL BE REVOKED, for any and all accounts that fail to maintain, good standing, status.
You MAY NOT share accounts on SWG Utopia. An account is granted to you, for only, you. It is considered account sharing, if you log into an account, that is not your own, even with the authorization of the account owner. Sharing Accounts will usually only receive warnings, however, if issues arise, such as reports of account theft, both accounts will be investigated, and face disciplinary action for account sharing.
Ban evasion by creating additional accounts is NOT PERMITTED. Doing so will result in the additional account(s) being terminated, as well as the original disciplinary action lengthened, leading up to and including, termination.