Template:Infobox game

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Revision as of 14:10, 10 November 2023 by Talisa (talk | contribs)
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Basic Information

The Game Infobox


{{Infobox game
 |logo           = Crest/shield/logo/patch for government: [[image:image.png|350px]]
 |credo          = Do they have a Credo/Motto attached to their Crest?
 |color          = Government Color (#FF0000 == Red).
 |name           = Name of this Government
 |home           = Home PLanet.
 |system         = System of the Home Planet.
 |capital        = Capital of the Home World.
 |founded        = If known, the official date of first contact.
 |warp           = Warp Capability? Yes/No.
 |language       = Common language(s).
 |currency       = Main currency/valuta withing this community.
 |govmt          = Type of Government: Dictature, Doctrine, Democracy, Republic, Aristocracy, Etc.
 |head           = Head of state
 |legislate      = Legislature, i.e.: (High) Council, Senate, Parliament, Congress, etc.
 |adv            = Level of technological advancement.
 |mil            = Militairy information.