Patch: 5.1.0
Revision as of 21:36, 7 September 2024 by Talisa (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center>File:PatchNotesHistory.png</center> The '''<u>Apotheosis Server</u>''' was taken offline in order to deploy '''<u>Patch: 5.1.0</u>''' on '''<u>Saturday</u>''', ''...")

The Apotheosis Server was taken offline in order to deploy Patch: 5.1.0 on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 10:35 PM Central Time.
There is no planned extended downtime for this update, so downtime should be very minimal.
This is a Complete Patch, make sure that you patch with the launcher, which is now available. If you attempt to play after the update, without updating the client, you may or may not crash when attempting new content. Do yourself a favor, always update.
The Official Patch Notes are listed below!
- Reduced Crafting Assembly in Entertainer's Build-A-Buff Due to Socket Bug with Weaponsmiths.
- Increased Cooldown for Bounty Hunter's Bounty Check from 5 Minutes to 1 Hour.
- Added 1% Overall Damage Bonus to All Crafted Legendary Weapons
- Added 5% Elemental Damage Bonus to All Crafted Legendary Weapons.
- All Peko-Peko Albatross Feather's Now Have Both Health and Action and Will Correctly Transfer to the Feathered Armor Enhancement Component. This Change WILL NOT BE RETROACTIVE, AND GM STAFF WILL NOT EXCHANGE THEM. DO NOT ASK.
- Refactored All Looted Weapon Enhancements and Augmentations. Augmentations Will Now Have Both Health and Action On Each One. The Overall Caps Have Been Lifted. The New Augmentation Cap is 300, and the New Enhancement Cap is 50.
- Reduced Complexity for All Weapon Skin Schematics (Both Innately Craftable and Looted).
- Reduced Complexity for All Advanced Weapon Core Schematics.
- Reduced Complexity for All Weapon Component Schematics.
- Added Missing Object Appearance Templates.
- Fixed Bug with Battlefield Token Award Process. However, due to Future Direction of Server Economics, The Vendor Will Not Allow Purchases at this time. This is Not A Bug, the work is a Work In Progress.
- Fixed Bug with Galactic Moon Festival Coin Currency.
- Fixed Bug with Galactic Moon Festival Vendor.
- Fixed Bug with Heroic Stat Collections which was caused by Reducing the Requirement from 10 to 5. This has been reverted.
- Fixed Bug with Item Stats.
- Fixed Bug with Legendary Stun Baton Schematic and Object Appearance in Crafting Process.
- Fixed Bug with Legendary Weapon Schematics.
- Fixed Bug with Malformed Cell in Naboo Buildouts.
- Fixed Bug with Mechanic System.
- Fixed Bug with Peko-Peko Albatross Feather and the Feathered Armor Enhancement Component.
- Fixed Bug with Resource Deed, Generator, Fabricator, and Industrial Replicators Awarded Incorrect Resource Values.
- Fixed Bug with Shuttle Being Missing from Legacy Quest.
- Fixed Bug with Trick or Treating.
- Fixed Bug with Weapon Augmentation and Enhancements Causing Stats from Heroic Loot to be Too Low.
- Fixed Bug with Trick or Treating for Galactic Moon Festival.
- Fixed Bug with Weapon Augmentation and Enhancements Causing Stats from Heroic Loot to be Too Low.
- Fixed Several Bugs with All Legendary Weapon Schematics.
- Portal Bazaar Terminal should No Longer show up on the Planetary Map.
- Increased Amount of Coins Awarded for Smashing Pumpkins.
- Increased Chance of Pumpkins.
- Added Initial Work for Life Day 2022 Content.
- Added Lost Additions to Treat Thief.
- Added Debugging in order to Investigate Issues with Lottery Loot.
- Removed Crafting Assembly from All Mustafar Relic Rings.
- Revamped Parts of Theed for use in Future Content Creation.
- Updated The City Actor System:
- Added Removal Option.
- No Longer Unlimited Uses.
- No Longer Placeable Anywhere - Must be Placed Within City Limits.
- Added Brief Server Information Screen Displaying Upon Logging into the Server.
- Added City Update:
- Allows City Mayors the use of "/move" and "/rotate" Commands on City Decorations Outside.
- Allows Players to Convert Items into City Decorations at the Expense of Credits.
- City Mayors May Now Assign Decorating Permissions at their Discretion.
- City Decoration Limit has increased ten-fold, with City Decoration Maintenance Increasing in Future Update.
- Added Housing Commands from Live Update:
- "/dropAllInventoryItemsIntoRoom"
- "/pickupAllRoomItemsIntoInventory"
- Added No-Trade Shared to Cybernetic Experience Chip.
- Deed for the City Actor which is now known as the Biological Extraction Unit has been Added to the Loot Tables.
- Increased Range of Looted R.I.S. Component Stack Sizes to be from 9 to 15.
- Reduced Spawn Cooldown for Giant Dune Kimogila from 10 to 5 Minutes.
- Removed No-Trade From the following TCG Items:
- All Chronicle Items
- All Cloud City Objects
- All Diner Furniture Objects
- All Jetpack Pieces
- Barn
- Diner
- Mandalorian Banner
- Senate Guard Greeter
- Added Peko-Peko Albatross Feather to Peko-Peko World Boss Loot Table.
- Added Three Stages of Mechanics to Naboo's Peko-Peko World Boss.
- Krayt World Boss Will Now Drop a Special Surprise as part of it's "Stomach Contents."
- Refactored All World Boss Loot. They Will Now Use Loot Tables Instead of Loot Override Scripts.
We Wish You Good Fortune In The Wars To Come!