Patch: 0.3.0
Revision as of 15:46, 7 September 2024 by Talisa (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<center>File:PatchNotesHistory.png</center> The '''<u>Insurgency Server</u>''' was brought online with '''<u>Patch: 0.3.0</u>''' on '''<u>August 23, 2021</u>''' at '''<u>...")

The Insurgency Server was brought online with Patch: 0.3.0 on August 23, 2021 at 11:32 AM Central Time.
- Added Camoflauge, Detect Camoflauge, and Devastation to Entertainer's Build-A-Buff.
- Added Crafting Assembly and Experimentation for every Crafting Profession to the Build-A-Buff.
- Increased Initial Inspiration Points from 8 to 40.
- Increased Inspired Resilience Expertise from 50% to 75% Per Point.
- Removed Creativity Boxes from Expertise.
- Fixed Linking for Jedi Force Cloak Expertise Line.
- Removed Medical and Tactical Stim Boxes from Expertise.
- Both Stims Will Drop from Basic Field Supplies Ability.
- Unlinked Reinforcement in Expertise.
- Increased Reverse Engineering Chance Expertise from 15 to 75.
- Fixed Bug causing Incorrect Token Currencies for Various Vendors.
- Fixed Bug with Resource Supply Generator.
- Fixed Many Broken Strings.
- Removed Duplicate Ryatt Scout Trooper Spawner.
- Added Chef Vendor to Mos Eisley.
- Removed Infiltrator Armor.
- Added Mustafar Reward Vendor to Mensix Mining Facility.
- Added Holocron of Knowledge to NO-TRADE Shared.
- Added New Veteran Rewards: Resource Fabricator and Resource Industrial Replicator.
- Added Various Veteran Rewards to the Rare Loot System.
- Concentrated Bacta Tank Now Usable In Combat.
- Consolidated All Battlefield Tokens into One Token.
- Increased Damage Values of Lightsaber Color Crystals.
- Increased Maximum Allowed Waypoints from 100 to 250.
- Increased Radius of Player Cities Based on Rank.
- Reduced Cooldown Timer for Concentrated Bacta Tank from 60 to 15 Minutes.
- Reduced Cooldowns for Village Crystal Buffs from 24 to 3 Hours and Reduced Required Combat Level from 80 to 50.
- Removed No Trade from Jinsu Lightsaber Schematic.
- Increased Socket Chance from 50 to 75%.
- Removed Life Day Items from Rare Loot System.
- Added Grevous Gutsack to NK Loot Table with 2% Drop Rate.
- Added Hanger and V-Wing to Imperial and Rebel Space GCW Vendors.
- Added Various TCG Items to Mustafar and Hoth Vendors.
We Wish You Good Fortune In The Wars To Come!