Discord Guidelines

From SWG Utopia
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Last Update: December 22, 2024

Last Update: November 11, 2023

SWG Utopia brings to you, a ZERO-BAN POLICY. This measure is to ensure fairness to our community. The exception to this policy is anyone who commits or has committed attacks against staff, attacks on the project, or project assets. Violations of this exception will be met with ZERO TOLERANCE. The real truth is that the Owner and/or Project Admin(s) can remove anyone for any reason, with or without warning as defined in the Terms of Service.

Discord Rankings and Permissions

  1. Community Members: New Player Access
  2. Verified Player: Full Access
  3. Utopian Prisoner:Restricted Access
    • Reserved for Trouble Markers
    • Access to only The Utopian Stockade
  4. Utopian Stockaid:
    • No Message History Permission
    • Brief Duration Only
    • Used to De-Escalate Situations

All status of ranks on Discord, will be determined by the Community Support Staff and Project Administrators.

Trolling, Harassment, Inciting Drama and Posting Obscenity's

While regular trolling is fine, in part, trolling that crosses over into personally attacking and harassing others, WILL NOT be tolerated in any way, shape or form, of any kind, for any reason.

The Exception is PvP Chat. That cannel is classified as NSFW, which is defined, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_safe_for_work">here</a>. As such, should PvP Behavior offend people, you would be well advised to steer clear and give PvP Chat a wide-berth. This exception also applies to the Cantina, as the channel is also NSFW.

Special Addendum

If a member of the community, uses inflammatory and/or derogatory language towards a member of staff or player(s) and they have left before responsibility is accepted before they are allowed to return, they must accept responsibility and make restitution towards the offended and/or injured party(ies), before they will be allowed to return. This is a special guideline outside of the normal disciplinary action(s) that are listed below.

Disciplinary Actions for Violations, are as follows:

  • First Offense: Verbal Warnings
  • Second Offense: Utopian Stockade
  • Third Offense: Dismissal From Discord

Constant Belligerently Incorrect Spelling or Grammar

SWG Utopia is an English-speaking environment, and everyone should be making the best effort to abide by proper spelling and grammar. Now, while we acknowledge that mistakes can happen and simple mistakes will not be punished. However, this guideline is for those select individuals who insist on purposefully and consistently continuing to write with improper spelling and grammar.

Disciplinary Action for Violations, are as follows:

  • First Offense: Verbal Warning
  • Second Offense: Written Warning
  • Third Offense: Utopian Stockade Placement for 24 Hours
  • Fourth Offense: Removal and Suspension from Discord

Posting Any Players Real Life Information

Real Life Information includes: pictures, names, information regarding school, work, address, etc...

Disciplinary Actions for Violations, are as follows:

  • First Offense: Utopian Stockade Placement
  • Second Offense: Dismissal From Discord

Posting Political Conversations

Conversations that are politically motivated can inflame relationships even among friends, for this reason, WE DO NOT ALLOW any political topics of any kind. You will be warned once and told to take the conversation to DM's.

  • First Offense: Verbal Warning
  • Second Warning: Twenty-Four (24) Hour Utopian Stockade Placement
  • Third Warning: One (1) Week Utopian Stockade Placement
  • Fourth Warning: Removal From Discord

Spamming Chat or Voice Channels

Voice Spamming involves using your microphone and playing loud music, yelling, or playing any other disruptive sounds in a channel with the intent to annoy or upset others.

Disciplinary Actions for Violations, are as follows:

  • First Offense: Verbal Warnings
  • Second Offense: Utopian Stockade Placement
  • Third Offense: Dismissal From Discord

Advertising Other Projects

This is a matter of some controversy. While discussing what other projects are doing, and/or features they have, is acceptable. However, purposefully advertising in order to sway the loyalty of players or staff is not.

Disciplinary Actions for Violations, are as follows:

  • First Offense: Verbal Warnings
  • Second Offense: Utopian Stockade Placement
  • Third Offense: Dismissal From Discord

Violating Local, State, National, or International Laws

Violating any local, state, federal, or international law is a very serious matter, and is something that we take very seriously. An example would be someone posting child pornography, of any kind. Depending on the severity of the violation, project administrators reserve the right to refer the matter to the appropriate legal authorities.

Disciplinary Actions for Violations, are as follows:

  • First Offense: Banned From All SWG Utopia Services